It costs over £4,500 per week to run St John’s. Giving our time and our resources is part of our worship and thanksgiving to God for all that He is doing and has done.
St John’s receives no central funding, either from the Church authorities or from Government; everything we do has to be funded by our own congregations and supporters.
Most of the costs are fixed costs, which means that it is wonderful when people choose to give on a regular basis. If you see St John’s as your spiritual home, and would like to support St John’s by being a regular giver, you can give in several different ways:
If you are a tax payer you can Gift Aid your giving. This will add 25% to your donation, which is paid to us by the government.
*You can also pick up forms for Standing Orders, Parish Giving and Gift Aid from the church or contact the church office.
If you would like to speak to someone about a one-off or regular gift, please contact David Scott-Ralphs at
Thank you for blessing the community of St John’s by your gift.